Funnily Enough or Funny Enough Definition

There are plenty of phrases and expressions in the English language that look similar enough, but might mean different things entirely. In many cases, one of the phrases will be correct, and one will be incorrect. This article will explain the difference between "funny enough" and "funnily enough".

Funny Enough or Funnily Enough – Which Is Correct?

Both "funny enough" and "funnily enough" are completely correct, but they are used in entirely different situations, in spite of how similar they look. "Funny enough" means that someone is sufficiently funny, and "funnily enough" is a synonym for "oddly enough".

funny enough or funnily enough

When you say "funny enough", you're describing someone or something, and you're saying that the thing you're describing is sufficiently funny. This means that it has the required amount of humor for something specifically.

On the other hand, when you say "funnily enough", you're saying that something was surprising. This is a phrase that you add before or after saying something that was mildly surprising in some way.

Funny Enough

"Funny enough" is a phrase that is used to describe something that is appropriately funny for a specific purpose. The word "enough" is added to adjectives when you're trying to convey the fact that something is sufficiently of a certain quality, in this case, how funny it is.

In certain contexts where something, either a person or a movie or a book, needs to reach a certain threshold of humor for some reason, and it does, you would use the phrase "funny enough".

Here are a few examples of the ways in which you could incorporate "funny enough" into sentences:

  1. I think that, for a stand up comedian, he was funny enough for me to have a good time.
  2. The book's funny enough, though I don't think it's particularly well-written beyond that fact.
  3. It was a comedy movie that strived to just be funny enough, and didn't exceed any expectations.
  4. He's a funny enough guy so I do think you'll get along very well with him once you've met him.
  5. She really strives to be funny enough so people will relax when they're around her.
  6. You know, he's funny enough to even make her laugh, which is a really big accomplishment.
  7. I want to be funny enough when that happens, so I'm studying a lot of comedy routines right now.

Funnily Enough

"Funnily enough" is a very popular expression that gets used in sentences to express surprise, or the fact that something unexpected or surprising has happened. When you use "funnily enough", you're indicating that something was surprising, in a very charming and casual way.

"Funnily enough" does not refer to the "humor" meaning of "funny", but rather the meaning of "funny" that refers to something being weird, odd and peculiar.

Therefore, when you use "funnily enough", it's equivalent to saying "weirdly enough" or "oddly enough", and you're expressing that something was out of the norm.

Here are some example sentences that will teach you how to use "funnily enough" in different situations:

  1. Funnily enough, I ended up bumping into him at the movies the next day, which was very awkward.
  2. I've only just realized that we're enrolled in the same design institute, funnily enough.
  3. I saw her at the gym the other day, funnily enough, which was very surprising to me at the time.
  4. Funnily enough I don't think I'm going to be taking a vacation anytime soon, but we'll see.
  5. She's sent in her application multiple times, funnily enough, I assume it was a precaution.
  6. Funnily enough we're going to be arriving on the very same day that they're going to be leaving.
  7. We're all going to end up at the same resort as him, funnily enough, so maybe we can meet up.

Funny Enough or Funnily Enough In the US?

According to the US Google Ngram Viewer , in the United States "funny enough" is more popular than "funnily enough", though the gap is significantly smaller than it used to be back in the day.

funny enough or funnily enough US

The information compiled in the chart showcases the fact that at the beginning of the 1900s, the gap in use between "funny enough" and "funnily enough" was way larger.

In fact, in the beginning of the 1900s is when the gap between the two expressions was at its biggest, and since then it has, overall, decreased in size significantly.

Funny Enough or Funnily Enough In the UK?

According to the UK Google Ngram Viewer , in the United Kingdom "funnily enough" is significantly more popular than "funny enough", and the gap has only grown larger in the past few years.

funny enough or funnily enough UK

When you analyze the data, you discover the fact that for many decades, "funny enough" and "funnily enough" alternated their popularity spots, and that eventually in 1964 "funnily enough" became more popular.

In the year 2011 the gap became the largest it has ever been, though in the decade since it has slightly decreased in size.

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