Tele Vue 2x Big Barlow Specs and Reviews


Posted twenty Feb 2022 - x:29 AM

Hi All. First post here. I'thou a beginner. I've been involved in another forum getting some dandy advice, but wanted to interact hither besides. A bit of prerequisite info on the equipment I'll be using and what I'g doing to fix myself up for success… While waiting for my outset scope, a Celestron CPC Palatial 1100 Hd I ordered in December and set to arrive this summer, I go on to exercise a bunch of reading, video watching, and other cocky learning/grooming. Although I'm putting together a highly automated system, I desire to have the cognition and and plan on learning the basics to align and use the scope if and when the automation fails. Learning a ton and having fun getting educated before the main piece of hardware arrives...

In addition, I've been purchasing accessories to make the telescopic the absolute all-time that it could be. I ordered the StarSense AutoAlign and the SkyPortal WiFi Module. I "settled" on the Tele Vue Ethos line of Eyeieces (17, 13, & 10mm), complimented with one lower power Tv Nagler 31 mm eyepiec, and of form the Celestron Luminous 23 mm eyepiece that comes with the scope. I also purchased a Starlight Feather Touch on micro focuser for this telescope.

That'southward the setup. Hither's the question...

I will be using the scope by and large in Missouri and Mississippi, both states that get hot and humid. It sounds like I'm more than than likely going to accept issues with dew in these climates relatively ofttimes. Any communication/suggestions on which route I should go for products for this detail package that are going to be necessary to requite me the best experience during humid nights would exist greatly appreciated. If there are any other necessities y'all call back I should have for the setup other than what I've listed, I would appreciate those insights likewise. I won't be doing any astrophotography to start, short of perhaps some iPhone pictures on an eyepiece mount.


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#2 Twanquility

Posted twenty February 2022 - 10:51 AM

Bank check out this newer product Celestron has for SCT line of scopes. I besides have an CPC 1100 and I'grand going to order one soon. I'm only going to use a controller I already have. This looks like a skillful alternative to the rut strap on the outside of the OTA. Good luck and take fun.

https://world wide web.celestro...eater-ring-11in

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#3 Astrosid

Posted 20 February 2022 - 11:01 AM

I am in Arizona and have very few problems with dew, but grit is everywhere.  I use the dew shield every session and discover it helps foreclose accumulation on the plate.  Likewise helps screen out neighbors lights and glare from the moon.
I like this ane from Celestron.


It's cheap (rare for astronomy accessories!), flexible and adjustable.

I also use dew heater from Astrozap

AstroZap Dew Heater Band for 12" Telescopes - AZ-712

Its small and sufficient for those few nights in Arizona that are cool and damp.

The 11" is a bit of a beast for a beginner.  Looks like yous are doing your research.   If you aren't already, I would highly recommend you join a local astronomy club.  They volition be a wealth of help and support!

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#4 Avgvstvs

Posted twenty Feb 2022 - 11:14 AM

Welcome to the forum Kurt. Sounds like y'all have a lot of amazing gear on order.

I just hope your scope makes information technology by summer. Plenty of dew straps out in that location.

I guess the 11" will have to be a big 1. Happy viewing and articulate skies

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#v ddwbna

Posted 20 February 2022 - 11:49 AM

I accept a dew shield and heater strap on mine. Plus a second heater strap effectually the eyepiece or imager. It is essential here in Middle Tennessee. I similar Twanquility's proposition of the "new" Celestron heater ring instead of a strap. Looks a lot more effective. They accept a thermistor connectedness built in as well, you but need an avant-garde controller that can apply that input. I capeesh the included cable management clips. I besides like the await of the new aluminum dew shields / cap Celestron has that prune onto the front of the OTA, and have cowling to accommodate previously mentioned cablevision clips for the heater ring. https://world wide (I'll confess, I'thou waiting for others to purchase these first and report / review before I jump in. smile.gif ) -ddw

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#6 Astrosid

Posted 20 February 2022 - 02:00 PM

The dew ring sounds very interesting.   I will look for some field experience also.

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#7 kurtvitense

Posted 20 February 2022 - 03:17 PM

Thanks all! Just the kind of info I was looking for. I recollect I'k definitely going to become that dew heater band. Probably get a shield also. That Celestron aluminum dew shield looks actually sharp, though expensive.

Regarding the controller, is there whatsoever reason I would want to get the 4-heater option at this point?


It's almost $200 more than the two heater option.


I'm thinking the 2-heater controller is all I'd need. Knowing I'll have the StarSense AutoAlign and the SkyPortal WiFi Module for this telescopic, volition I have enough ports to utilise everything? Can I plug things into both the controller and the ports that are congenital into the mount? I've read that if I'one thousand going to use the WiFi module that it'due south best to unhook the hand controller as it causes issues sometimes if a phone/tablet is competing with the hand controller for control. If unhooking the hand controller is brash, tin can the dew heater ring be controlled through the iphone/ipad if the hand controller is disconnected. Loftier Point Scientific has a actually good YouTube video explaining the use of the new ring and controller through the hand controller.

Hope this all makes sense...

Certain glad to see folks over hither helping me spend even more of my coin! And here I thought I'd get into this hobby without spending too much. smile.gif

Edited by kurtvitense, xx February 2022 - 03:28 PM.

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#viii mlord

Posted 20 February 2022 - 03:20 PM

Something funny with that link, then here is what seems to be the identical link, except working:


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#9 AJK 547

Posted 20 Feb 2022 - 05:15 PM

Kurt, I'm envious of your 'soon to be' CPC 1100 Hard disk drive!  Overnice start to your ep collection and the improver of the FeatherTouch focuser is something that will add INSTANT enjoyment/ease of use.  Just to add a scrap to everyone's suggestions, I upgraded the Star diagonals that came with my C6's and C8-A to Baader BBHS Zeiss prisms due west/Clicklock + T2 visual backs for strength and safety of my ep's and binoviewer.  If you enjoy high power viewing of Luna and the planets, I found the utilize of the Baader Contrast Booster is a overnice improver the tease out a flake more detail/contrast on Jove, Saturn and especially Mars coming back to u.s.a. this summer!

Perchance a squeamish astro chair, and a proficient 2X TV barlow on the nights of exceptional 'seeing' and a overnice Binoviewer in the future for enhancing the comfort of your viewing sessions???

Finally, when y'all brainstorm to get comfortable with your equipment, performing a 'Star test' to cheque eyes and collimation would be in order.  You desire to get everything you tin can out if that great SCT and doing careful collimation is certainly important… and it doesn't cost anything!

FWIW, I added an prototype of the Clicklock, Diagonal and Visual Back setup I use for both of my C6'due south and C8-A.  The force and security is 'peace of heed' for the pricy ep'south you will be using…

Articulate, steady nights

Attached Thumbnails

  • F3EAB32D-15EB-4AAB-B9EE-32800236DC77.jpeg

Edited by AJK 547, xx February 2022 - 05:17 PM.

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#x kurtvitense

Posted 20 February 2022 - 05:33 PM

Kurt, I'grand envious of your 'soon to be' CPC 1100 Hd!  Nice commencement to your ep collection and the addition of the FeatherTouch focuser is something that volition add INSTANT enjoyment/ease of use.  Just to add a bit to everyone'southward suggestions, I upgraded the Star diagonals that came with my C6's and C8-A to Baader BBHS Zeiss prisms w/Clicklock + T2 visual backs for strength and safety of my ep's and binoviewer.  If you enjoy high ability viewing of Luna and the planets, I institute the employ of the Baader Contrast Booster is a nice addition the tease out a bit more detail/dissimilarity on Jove, Saturn and especially Mars coming back to us this summer!

Maybe a nice astro chair, and a skillful 2X TV barlow on the nights of exceptional 'seeing' and a squeamish Binoviewer in the future for enhancing the comfort of your viewing sessions???

Finally, when you brainstorm to go comfortable with your equipment, performing a 'Star test' to check optics and collimation would be in guild.  You want to get everything you can out if that bully SCT and doing careful collimation is certainly important… and it doesn't toll annihilation!

FWIW, I added an image of the Clicklock, Diagonal and Visual Back setup I use for both of my C6's and C8-A.  The strength and security is 'peace of heed' for the pricy ep'southward you will be using…

Clear, steady nights


Thanks for the input! I've been told the showtime diagonal that comes with my scope is of good quality and upgrading will likely NOT produce noticeable improvement. I'm trusting that advice at this point. I suppose eventually I will bypass the diagonal and look direct through an eyepiece to confirm. Nosotros'll meet. Since I'm going TV with the eyepieces, are their star diagonals also loftier finish? I would presume so. Was already planning on some blazon of chair also. Thanks for the reminder...  Will also confirm collimation of course and will try my hand at a star test too.

Edited by kurtvitense, 20 February 2022 - 05:34 PM.

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#xi AJK 547

Posted twenty February 2022 - 07:13 PM


Thank you for the input! I've been told the start diagonal that comes with my telescopic is of good quality and upgrading volition likely NOT produce noticeable comeback. I'g trusting that advice at this betoken. I suppose eventually I will bypass the diagonal and look directly through an eyepiece to ostend. We'll see. Since I'm going Television set with the eyepieces, are their star diagonals too high end? I would assume then. Was already planning on some blazon of chair as well. Cheers for the reminder...  Will also ostend collimation of course and volition try my paw at a star examination too.

Kurt, of the iii Celestron star diagonals I got with the scopes, 2 were fine … the third… not then good, I then splurged a fleck and went for the Baader BBHS Zeiss prism diag. and never looked dorsum.  A simple test I performed was viewing through both diagonals at an EXTREMELY fine sheer drape material through indirect ambient natural lighting.  Both showed similar fine detail, but the Baader simply presented more 'contrast' to ferret out even finer detail.  YMMV…

I've never compared the Baader (or Celestron) Star prisms to the TV EverBrite, but everything I've read is the Television is also very highly regarded.  I believe the Television receiver is a diaelectric mirror configuration vs the Celestron is a prism.  My Baader Zeiss prism presents a bit of a different visual than my Baader BBHS Sitall mirror (diaelectric).  The Zeiss prism seems best in my SCT's for Luna and Planetary, whereas the Sitall Mirror seems a bit better at teasing out Carbon Star colors/hues… colorful 'Doubles', etc. … over again YMMV!

The main reason for my diagonal upgrading was security because I almost lost my Denk Two binov'r + eyepieces when the Celestron Visual back thumbscrew became a fiddling loose on the nose of the std Celestron diagonal.  Full security with the T2 VB + T2 diag. configuration lead to piece of mind.

Simply, have  a blast with that fine SCT!

Clear, steady nights

Edited by AJK 547, 20 February 2022 - 07:xv PM.

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#12 kurtvitense

Posted 20 February 2022 - 08:16 PM

Kurt, of the 3 Celestron star diagonals I got with the scopes, 2 were fine … the 3rd… not and then good, I then splurged a bit and went for the Baader BBHS Zeiss prism diag. and never looked dorsum.  A uncomplicated test I performed was viewing through both diagonals at an EXTREMELY fine sheer drape textile through indirect ambient natural lighting.  Both showed similar fine item, but the Baader simply presented more 'dissimilarity' to ferret out even finer particular.  YMMV…

I've never compared the Baader (or Celestron) Star prisms to the Boob tube EverBrite, just everything I've read is the Television receiver is also very highly regarded.  I believe the TV is a diaelectric mirror configuration vs the Celestron is a prism.  My Baader Zeiss prism presents a scrap of a different visual than my Baader BBHS Sitall mirror (diaelectric).  The Zeiss prism seems all-time in my SCT'south for Luna and Planetary, whereas the Sitall Mirror seems a bit better at teasing out Carbon Star colors/hues… colorful 'Doubles', etc. … once more YMMV!

The main reason for my diagonal upgrading was security because I well-nigh lost my Denk II binov'r + eyepieces when the Celestron Visual back thumbscrew became a little loose on the nose of the std Celestron diagonal.  Total security with the T2 VB + T2 diag. configuration pb to piece of mind.

Simply, have  a blast with that fine SCT!

Clear, steady nights


I'grand not certain which diagonal comes with the 1100. I was hoping this one:


Probably non though. At any charge per unit, I'g still trying to under stand dielectric vs prism vs other types of diagonals. I guess dielectics are multiple coatings of various materials to brand the reflective surface and a prism is just glass bending the light? Pitiful if it'south a dumb question. I don't take anything for granted with this so I'k a bit unsure. If you know of whatsoever "Star Diagonals For Dummies" manufactures that dumbs it down and explains it well, forward them on. I've read a few articles on them, merely I'm not 100% confident I really understand them notwithstanding completely. I understand what they practice or course, just non an skillful in the different technologies that make upwards the different types. smile.gif

Edited by kurtvitense, twenty February 2022 - 08:xx PM.

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#13 AJK 547

Posted 20 February 2022 - 09:54 PM

Kurt, what petty I could find about the std diagonal with the telescopic is it seems to be a mirror diagonal with Std XLT multi-coatings.  It seems Celestron specs the diagonal to ~ 96/97% reflectivity with the XLT coatings.  Dielectric mirror coatings will usually attain > 99% reflectivity with more than exotic substrates.  It likewise seems the supplied diagonal screws directly to the mirror cell via 2" SCT thread.

Peradventure someone who has a CPC 1100 Hard disk drive can tin can requite a better answer to what mirror diagonal comes standard?

Clear, steady nights

Update:  I contacted Celestron CS and they couldn't give me whatsoever specifics on what type of 90 Deg diagonal they supply with your scope...  Soooo Sorry...

Adjacent, I contacted Adorama Camera and BHPhotoVideo and talked to their tech support staffs.  Seems the CPC 1100 Hard disk has gone through some diagonal upgrades during its life.  Started out as an inexpensive star diag. #93519 (discontinued) and was upgraded through fourth dimension to the #93527.  The #93527 is the current StarBright XLT coated mirror diagonal that is interferometer tested to 1/x wave flat mirror, and seems to spiral directly to the Visual Back via 2" SCT threads.  Both Adorama and BHPhotoVideo believe this is the mirror diagonal you'll get.

The diagonal you hope you lot get seems to be #93573 (Dielectric Mirror, >99% reflectivity) and that one truly would be an upgrade over the standard XLT coated diagonal #93527.  Let us know which one you receive with the scope when you get it!

Edited by AJK 547, 21 February 2022 - 12:13 PM.

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#fourteen kurtvitense

Posted 22 February 2022 - 04:27 PM

Kurt, what niggling I could discover most the std diagonal with the scope is it seems to be a mirror diagonal with Std XLT multi-coatings.  It seems Celestron specs the diagonal to ~ 96/97% reflectivity with the XLT coatings.  Dielectric mirror coatings will usually achieve > 99% reflectivity with more exotic substrates.  It also seems the supplied diagonal screws directly to the mirror prison cell via ii" SCT thread.

Maybe someone who has a CPC 1100 Hd can can give a ameliorate answer to what mirror diagonal comes standard?

Clear, steady nights

Update:  I contacted Celestron CS and they couldn't give me whatsoever specifics on what type of xc Deg diagonal they supply with your scope...  Soooo Deplorable...

Next, I contacted Adorama Camera and BHPhotoVideo and talked to their tech support staffs.  Seems the CPC 1100 Hd has gone through some diagonal upgrades during its life.  Started out as an inexpensive star diag. #93519 (discontinued) and was upgraded through time to the #93527.  The #93527 is the current StarBright XLT coated mirror diagonal that is interferometer tested to 1/10 wave apartment mirror, and seems to screw directly to the Visual Dorsum via 2" SCT threads.  Both Adorama and BHPhotoVideo believe this is the mirror diagonal you'll become.

The diagonal yous promise you get seems to exist #93573 (Dielectric Mirror, >99% reflectivity) and that one truly would be an upgrade over the standard XLT coated diagonal #93527.  Let u.s.a. know which 1 yous receive with the telescopic when you become it!


Edited by kurtvitense, 22 February 2022 - 04:34 PM.

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#15 AJK 547

Posted 22 February 2022 - 05:thirty PM


I'd probably mail service your questions in the CN 'Cats & Casses' and 'Equipment' forums to see what other CPC1100 HD owners have used for their diagonal upgrades.  They should give you some accurate opinions on Prism vs. Mirror, etc.

If you go with the Baader system, the proper Baader VB Clicklock adapter coupled to whatever Baader Prism or Mirror diagonal + Clicklock ep holder is a sweet and secure way to protect your diagonal and ep investments.  Looks like y'all could use the Television receiver Everbrite 2" diagonal with the nosepiece and use a Baader VB Clicklock 2" adapter for a secure setup.   Lots of possibilities!

Good Luck!

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#xvi speedster

Posted 23 Feb 2022 - 01:55 AM

My experience with the flexible C11 dew shield is not great.  Smaller diameters stay round but my xi wants to fold into an oval and fall off.  I fabricated a plastic ring that slips on the front to concur it round and employ long aught ties to hold it on the tube.  I accept notches pinnacle and bottom for rails then it may non be such an issue with shields that only take one notch.  The aluminum shield from Celestron was non bachelor at the fourth dimension just I'll be getting one soon.  I'd spring for the rigid Celestron choice.  Information technology also has a rigid encompass so you don't take to use a shower cap.

I'd add a Bahtinov mask to your list and a reducer.  I ditched the direct through finder that came with information technology and replaced it with Celeston'due south right-bending finder.

A cheap 12mm illuminated reticle eyepiece helps with alignment.  I don't remember if you had StarSense or not.

Good luck with all that boodle!

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