Funny Quotes From Saturday the 14th

60 Funny Saturday Quotes, Sayings and Images for the Weekend

Looking for crazy and funny quotes about Saturday? We have rounded up some of the best and funny Saturday quotes, sayings, wishes, captions (with images and pictures) for you.

It's Saturday! Yay! Finally after the long week of work you got to the weekend. Time to relax, unwind and enjoy with friends and family. For more weekend quotes and fun keep reading! Share these quotes, images on Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and Tumblr with friends and spread smiles!

Funny Saturday Quotes and Sayings

  1. "Saturday, please stay."

  2. "On Saturday we wear Pajamas."

  3. "Saturday is for Shopping. (online and in bed)"

  4. "Saturday: Big Shirts, Messy Hair, Music, Coffee."

  5. "I really need a day between Saturday and Sunday."

  6. "It's Saturday. I plan on doing nothing and plenty of it."

  7. "It's Saturday. Seriously I don't want drama today, okay?"

  8. "Happiness is not having to set the alarm for the next day."

  9. "Woohoo! It's Saturday, the biggest laundry day of the week."

  10. "Saturday afternoons = When relaxation meets opportunity."

  11. "Better days are coming. They are called Saturday and Sunday."

  12. "It's Saturday! Let's crawl under a big blanket and watch movies."

  13. "My Saturday was going pretty well until I realized it was Sunday."

  14. "Saturday Night : I'm off to club bed featuring DJ Pillow and MC Blanky."

  15. "I'm not the one to brag but I totally got out of bed today. Happy Saturday!"

  16. "Saturday is a day for sleeping and dammit, you will not take that away from me!"

  17. "Sleeping in on a Saturday always feels like a little bit of heaven."- Carla Kringer

  18. "Saturdays are an escape from school, work, and 'have to' tasks."- Michael Crews

  19. "Saturday is here; give it a warm welcome by allowing yourself a lovely day of rest."

  20. "Life is a wretched gray Saturday, but it has to be lived through." – Anthony Burgess

  21. "Today is Saturday, which means that today I will be multi-slacking instead of multi-tasking."

  22. "Oh my sweet Saturday, I have been waiting for you for six long days."- Charmaine J Forde

  23. "I wish that every day was Saturday and every month was October." – Charmaine J. Forde

  24. "I told myself that I was going to live the rest of my life as if it were Saturday." – Chip Gaines

  25. "Sunday would be lost without Saturday, and I would be lost without you."- Anthony T. Hincks

  26. "Quick someone hit the slow motion button….we need to extend Saturday for as long as possible! Hurry!"

  27. "There were many reasons to regard Saturday as the second best day after Friday."- R. Phillip Ritter

  28. "There is nothing more I love more than being in a throw-down on a Saturday night." – Donald Cerrone

  29. "On the Sixth Day, God created man, the sort of result you often get when you go in to work on a Saturday."

  30. "Ah. I love these lazy Saturdays. Ah. I love these real Saturdays. They're so relaxing."- Matt Groening

  31. "I think having more Saturdays sounds great, and having every day be Saturday sound even better." Michael Crews

  32. "Today is Saturday, which means that the only decision that you should be making is whether to have a bottle or a glass of wine."

  33. "Middle age is when you're sitting at home on a Saturday night and the telephone rings and you hope it isn't for you." – Ogden Nash

  34. "Saturday is still the busiest shopping day of the week, but the opening of stores on Sundays has made it less distinctively busy."- Susan Orlean

  35. "There was nothing like a Saturday – unless it was the Saturday leading up to the last week of school and into summer vacation." – Nora Roberts

  36. "It turns out that all Netflix streaming peak on Saturday night can fit inside a single fiber optic, which is the size of one human hair."– Reed Hastings

  37. "On a lazy Saturday morning when you're lying in bed, drifting in and out of sleep, there is a space where fantasy and reality become one." – Lynn Johnston

  38. "And you haven't a penny to spend / But you dream that you've pounds and pounds / And arm in arm with your only friend / You make your Saturday rounds."- Edith Nesbit

  39. "No wedding Saturday within the month of June / But what it is, is something true / Made up of these three words that I must say to you / I just called to say I love you."- Peter Breiner

  40. "Saturday is the mightiest day of the week. It's unshakably, overwhelmingly superior. Not only is it a day off of school, the following day is also a day off, like some kind of Super Saiyan bargain sale." – Wataru Watari

10 Funny Saturday Morning Quotes

  1. "Ahhh…Saturday! Movement is optional."

  2. "I love you Friday but Saturday morning you are my boo!"

  3. "Is it me or does coffee tastes better on Saturday mornings?"

  4. "It's Saturday…I'll 'Seize the Day' if and when I feel like getting around to it."

  5. "Dear Week, I'm so over you, I'm leaving you for your best friend, Weekend."

  6. "Happy Saturday! Happiness is not having to set the alarm for the next morning."

  7. "The word 'Saturday' has the word 'sat' in it. Make sure you take time this day to sit and relax."

  8. "I love those Saturday mornings when the hardest decision was which cereal to eat and what series to watch."

  9. "Saturday mornings, I've learned, are a great opportunity for kids to sneak into your bed, fall back asleep, and kick you in the face." – Dan Pearce

  10. "Your body tells you what it needs, and if you sleep past your alarm on a Saturday morning, it's probably because you need the sleep." – Sophia Bush

10 Funny Saturday Night Quotes

  1. "It is a fine line between Saturday Night and Sunday Morning."

  2. "Different cocktails for different Saturday nights."- Drew Barrymore

  3. "It's Saturday night…time to be a hero and rescue some wine trapped in a bottle."

  4. "Saturday night is perfect for writers because other people have plans." – Mike Birbiglia

  5. "To me, it always seemed as though Saturday night was the down-home night."- Russell Endo

  6. "I learned that the hardest party to pull off successfully is Saturday night dinner."– Ina Garten

  7. "Earlier this century Saturday was 'bath night'. Wash day. Bed sheets got changed."- Lloyd Jones

  8. "Saturday night is when you want to do what you want to do and not what you have to do."- Susan Orlean

  9. "Love me like Saturday night, like three glasses of champagne, like the room is spinning, like you're drunk on my love."- C.J. Carlyon

  10. "Saturday night still does have a distinct personality and effect on most people. People still act differently on a Saturday night for no reason other than it's Saturday night."- Susan Orlean

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